Defy Gravity . . . Follow the Call of Your Wild Soul


Embrace the importance of being clear about what you want and creating a strategy to get it.


Learn to think symbolically, read the signs you are given, and tune into your intuition.


Dare to go beyond what you think is possible for you, develop the stamina to do it, and use practical navigation.

A wholly compelling memoir about unraveling the ties that bind, and coming home to one’s own knowing and wisdom
Insulated by a culture that steadfastly kept its distance from outsiders and the march of progress, as a little girl Patty Bear anticipated following in her mother’s footsteps. But in 1972, at the age of eight, her father sparked religious controversy and ignited a scandal rare in the Mennonite community. Abruptly subjected to the chaos that surrounded the ritual practice of shunning, Patty, her mother, and five siblings were swept into a tornado of absurd accusations and public humiliation, forced to hide and endure publicity that headlined prominent national newspapers for almost a decade ...

Want to defy the gravity of your upbringing OR build a bridge between yours and your partner’s different parenting styles?
Parenting is a calling of the highest order. A humble job, it’s also the most honorable and important work in life. Yet you are given so little training to become the kind of parent you long to be. Frazzled by the dizzying changes of today’s complex world, bombarded by countless “shoulds,” and torn between the experts and your heart’s knowing, you watch your best intentions get overrun. What’s more, you are expected to simply be a good parent, regardless of the quality of parenting you received. House of the Sun takes a fresh approach ...

A Practical Mystic's Story
At eight years old, my Wild Soul called me to adventure, but the invitation came disguised in the mask of trauma.

Patty Bear

Born into a culture known as The Plain People (Old Order Mennonites and Amish) I detected no hint of the grand and colorful destinations this Path would wind towards. I could not have imagined (nor would I have believed) the bigger life that awaited: as a military pilot and airline captain and the decades of traveling the world . . .

To find out more about my practical mystic's journey,
my books, or for any general information,
please contact me:
Email: patty@theflyingclub.com